AutoSave setting HELP for the experimental version of Theremino MCA
- You can download experimental version of Theremino MCA that includes
AutoSave function and modified background subtraction method, here. ==>
- Copy & use in the directory where you have the original version of Theremino MCA.
- Help file isn't included, but the program will ask you for automatic downloading. Basically, the help file shows the same thing as this page.
- Right click the
AutoSave button to open the Dialog.
- Minimum interval for
AutoSave is 10 seconds. *** WARNING! *** If you use short interval and forget to disable Autosave, HUGE amount of data can be produced, especially if you select multiple image items. Please be careful.
- By checking "Start new measure", it will restart measurement after saving/executing all checked items.
- "Folder" location can be set manually or by the folder selection dialog activated by the "Browse" button in the right. If the folder doesn't exist, it will be created.
- "Path format" can be used for specifying file name and sub folder. If you put VB (visual basic) Date/Time format string such as yyyy_MM_dd within parentheses --- ( ), it will be transformed into Date/Time string.
Also a dollar sign --- $, followed by a single digit number (from 1 to 9) will be replaced by the corresponding line of "Note" section in the lower left side of the main window. Spaces are replaced by underscore. Illegal path characters will be simply removed.
Don't include an extension as it will be added according to each item.
Ex: (yyyy_MM_dd)\Theremino_(yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss)-$1-$2
=> 2013_07_14\Theremino_2013_07_14_09_35_16-Line_one-Line_two
For Date/Time format string: ...
- For "Items to save", you can select multiple items by checking them. Currently, you can save Theremino format Histogram, Screen capture of the application and the spectrum area in PNG and/or JPG, and SPE format spectrum file (used by Polimaster PM1703MO-1A/B, MCA166, etc) are supported. I may add more format.
- In the "Execute" text box, you can enter the name of command you want to execute after files are saved. You need to check "Enabled" to activate this. The program will not wait the end of execution. It's your responsibility to ensure that path to the command is valid.
- By clicking "Apply and Save Now", all changes are applied and items will be saved/executed, immediately. "Cancel" : it will discard all changes, "Apply" : it will apply changes and remain in the dialog, and "OK": it will apply and close the dialog.
Once you have saved tons of spectrum files, you can use new Browse Spectrum feature to effortlessly examine the spectra data and its evolution.
- Additionally, this experimental version uses modified background subtraction method.
This is a spectrum of Cs137 source (Spark gap tube, about 900Bq total) placed about 30cm away from the probe (CsI 2.5").
Without background subtraction (Yellow line), we can't clearly see the 662 KeV Cs137 peak because of the 609 KeV from the background (the blue line, we can barely see, though) in my concrete apartment.
By subtracting the background (Green line), Cs137 peak is clearly visible.
If you translate this page (or the help file) into another language, please send me a copy. Thank you !
Need more help? Comment? Contact me : nkom AT