ガンマグラファー、ガンマグラファーナノ (以前は、ガンマグラファー2と呼ばれていました)、そしてGG2012(アランさん作)のページです。
GGV2012 (made by Alain)
いつ出来るか、全く不明。 なので、現在、入手困難。
GannmaGrapherNano (a.k.a. GGV2 by Lee) ガンマグラファーナノ
You need DSO Nano 201, version 2, High voltage power supply, splitter/combiner, mcx coax to BNC cable (or adapter), and the probe.
DSO ナノという、6千円くらいで変える小型のデジタルオシロスコープの基本ソフトを書き換えて、MCAにしてしまう、というプロジェクト。
DSO201 海外オークションで買う場合: 画面のLCDやそのドライバーが違うバージョンの製品があるらしいです。 対応を検討しているらしいですが、まだ不明。
BNCコネクターの付いている検出器などと使う場合は、上記の様なアダプターやケーブルが必要。MCX to BNC adapter (to be used with ordinary BNC cable for connecting to splitter/combiner)
MCX to BNC cable (to connect directly to the splitter/combiner)
http://www.ebay.ca/itm/8inch-RF-coaxial-cable-BNC-male-to-MCX-male-right-angle-/271219071372 <== 8" Shorter is better
スプリッター/コンバイナーは、自作も難しくないですが、既に出来ているものも買えます。この場合、高圧のコネクターは、MHVでなくてBNCを指定した方が良いでしょう。Splitter/Combiner: Make by yourself, or buy from iRadic (specify BNC , instead of MHV, for HV connector)
https://sourceforge.net/projects/gammagrapherv2/ <== For the firmware download 基本ソフトのダウンロード
http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/GammaSpectrometry/files/Gamma%20Grapher%20Version%202 <== pics, etc 画像やデータなど
http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/GammaSpectrometry/conversations/topics/14076 <== Current discussion thread 作成者や使用者の会話
http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/DSO_Nano 元になる、小型オシロスコープの開発元。
Information given by the creator in Yahoo Group ヤフーのグループで、開発者のLeeさん(safelyiniowa)が投稿した説明です。
Hi everyone,
I'll try to answer the questions:
1) what version of DSO Nano to buy?
You want the DSO Nano 201, version 2. It sends the input signal to the 12 bit ADC built into the ARM chip. Version 1 has a metal pin for audio, version 2 has a 3.5mm audio plug. I don't have a verison 2 yet but don't expect problems. If there are I'll buy one for testing and field use. The DSO 201 PRO aka DSO 201 Version 3 does not have removable micro SD card. I don't know if it will work or not. And it is much more expensive. Seed Studio is no longer making version 1 or version 2, but you can find it carried still by many sellers, including Amazon and ebay.
Here is a side by side comparison: http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/DSO_Nano
TheDSO 203 uses an 8 bit external ADC, not good enough resolution for our use.
I have a STM prototype development card with LCD. It will allow more flexibility as display and analog hardware. I will be testing with it soon. My goal is to have a single enclosure device with built in probe.
2) Is code open source?
Both code and hardware are open source. Seed Studio provides schematics. My software is archived at Source Forge. Original oscilliscope software is open source with at lest 3 versions that I know of. My latest code uses the STM provided source libraries, open source operating system, my own open source filesystem code , etc. I welcome reuse of my code on other projects and improvements to my code, as long as you share your work.
3) What is required to program the DSO?
Both firmware download and access to files is over standard mini USB cable. Firmware is download through a built in DFU download code. Power up with down button pressed, attach USB code and use the DFU utility. The DFU code and instructions are included in the release package. I use Linux so there may be issues with Windows systems that I know nothing about. However DFU download software is widely used so there is good support on the web.
4) How to purchase?
I have no plans to sell kits at this time. At this time the user is responsible for providing a scintillation probe and associated electronics. Which is pretty simple. Seed Studio sells the adapters to go from Nano MCX coax connector to BNC coax. So signal connections are easy. Just remember that the the high voltage must be isolated away from signal through a capacitor coupling! Typical of 2 connector probes. Input to Nano is limited to about 80 V. Gain is adjustable through settings menu to accomidate probe signal level.
I use probes with their own battery operated power supply. As I put my hardware together I can provide examples. There are plenty of examples of home made probes and power supplies in the files section.
5) This code is renamed as Gamma Grapher Nano. Version is Beta release 0.20. I should have all features in this release. Next release will be for bug fixes and improvements.
I forgot to mention that there is confusion about the input signal connector. Some very early versions used a 3.5mm audio jack, my version 1 uses a mcx connector, version 2 may or may not use a mcx coax connector. If someone has one could you tell us if it uses the coax connector or audio connector.
Speaking of which, any probe set up that works with audio card based systems should work with the DSO Nano hardware.
I have found that leaving USB connected results in more low level electronic noise. You can use the zero pole adjustment to eliminate it.
Another thing, software only supports the 2GB micro SD card. NOT the micro SDHC cards, which are any flash card having more than 2 GB storage. There is an entirely different protocol for SDHC and it is not in public domain. 2 GB flash cards are easy to find and cheap. Since you can access them over the USB cable you never need to remove the flash card. I'm hoping that Version 3 of hardware has a 2 GB flash memory built in, but documentation is confused with references to 8 MB flash!?