Theremino PMT Adapter
Theremino PMT Adapter allows you to use PMT probe with positive High voltage with sound card MCA software like Theremino Mca En, PRA, Beqmoni, etc.
It is totally open source and you can buy one from Alessio if you don't have skill or time to make one.
(He can provide specially modified sound card and short BNC cable, too!)
Please read Theremino.com pages for more info.
If you experience any problem, contact Theremino team via mail, blog comment, twitter, or you can join Yahoo group.
Note :
- If you are interested in obtaining Theremino PMT adapter, Alessio can send you a kit (or better ready made one, depending on his time). Please contact him for more detail.
- Because making Theremino PMT Adapter by yourself is rather delicate, it's much easier to get one made by Alessio like I did.
- If you do make one, please be very careful and patient, following the instruction given in documents.