Examples of Thorium lantern mantle spectrum トリウム ランタン マントルのスペクトル例
- Taken by different people with different equipment.
- 色々な人たちが自作、アマチュアグレードを含む各種の機械で測定したものです。モナザイトの測定も数例含まれます。
- 詳しくは、HPGeのスペクトルをご覧下さい。 トリウム原石(U238を含む) http://www4.inl.gov/gammaray/catalogs/ge/pdf/th-Ore.pdf or at web.archive.org
Th232だけ: http://www4.inl.gov/gammaray/catalogs/ge/pdf/th232_new.pdf or at web.archive.org
Ac228以降: http://www4.inl.gov/gammaray/catalogs/ge/pdf/th228.pdf or at web.archive.org
NaIのスペクトル: http://www4.inl.gov/gammaray/catalogs/nai/pdf/th232.pdf or at web.archive.org
- 親核種、娘核種については、ここが分かりやすい: http://periodictable.com/Isotopes/090.232/index2.full.dm.html
NaI3インチ + ThereminoPMTAdapter 遮蔽の中でのトリウムランタンマントルのスペクトル。
Ac228は、ピーク多過ぎ。 なお、マーカーが見やすい様に、高い方は出していません。
Thorium lantern mantle spectrum taken by Sovtube Detector CsI 63mm (2.5 Inches) 11 hours + Theremino Mca converted by Macro script into SPE format。 Bi-214
is probably from background.
Same detector but taken by Mr Utsunomia : http://www.utsunomia.com/y.utsunomia/spectrometer/spectrometer.html
Handmade CsI 1 inch from http://protectchildren311.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-439.html
3 inch NaI Amptek. (Green line is the thorium spectrum) http://www.amptek.com/grad.html
NaI 38mm 6 hours from http://anti-proton.com/
2 inch NaI GX-2S from http://wine4wine.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-7.html
From http://anp.nucl.nagoya-u.ac.jp/cloud_chamber/2009/BG_radiation.pdf
Handmade CsI 1cc 1 hour from http://www11.plala.or.jp/jk1hrb/Measurement-CsI+PD/measurement-1.htm
Hamamatsu Photonics C12137 (CsI) from Supermab
Same detector, but measured by different person, and of thorium containing mineral. From http://www.kani.com/ycrms/C12137/
Handmade CsI 1cc 5 Hours from http://betanode.ddo.jp/
Some peaks are marked as 208Ti (and 209Ti) but they are 208Tl
Handmade CsI 1cc from http://ameblo.jp/bb-craftsman-room/entry-11260923465.html
Some peaks are marked as 208Ti (and 209Ti) but they are 208Tl
Handmade CsI 1cc (not mantle. Monazite) from http://doku.bimyo.jp/benikumo/index.html
Armadillo 1 inch cube CsI http://www.superoceanlight.com/index.html taken by http://twilog.org/prochil_chiba
Spetctum of mineral : Monazite. (not lantern mantle)
CsI 1 inch IFKR254 2hours from https://twitter.com/tokaiama/status/364261148234764288
3 inch NaI with FUIJapan Digital MCA
Light blue line is Thorium mantle spectrum. Shaded spectrum is Uranium Ore with Bi214 and Pb214. Purple line is the spectrum of contaminated soil near Tokyo. Blue shaded area is the natural background inside concrete apartment.
Same setup measured with modified version of Theremino MCA
2.5 inch CsI Sovtube Detector Thorium Mantle. Spectrum taken by Theremino Mca and then analyzed by Identify Exe
Decay Chain
Alpha spectrum...